I help busy moms with scoliosis and arthritis break free from chronic pain, fatigue, and anxiety so they can keep up with their kids, travel and have energy to do what they love!

Agnes Szymczak

Integrative Pain Recovery Health Coach

I help moms with scoliosis and arthritis break free from chronic pain, fatigue and anxiety, so they can keep up with their kids, travel and have energy to do what they love!

Agnes Szymczak

Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

Areas of Expertise

  • Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, with specialization in Women Hormone Health

  • Advanced Pain Reprocessing Therapy Coach

  • Certified Buteyko Restorative Breathing Coach

  • Registered Health Coach Alliance Canada Member (RHC™)

  • HeartMath Trauma Sensitive Coach

  • Oxygen Advantage Breathing Through Menapause

As an Integrative 3 ColumnNutrition Health Coach, Pain Reprocessing Therapy Coach, and Buteyko Restorative Breathing Coach, Agnes helps moms with scoliosis break free from debilitating pain, fatigue and anxiety and reclaim their lives so that they can keep up with their kids, travel and have energy to do what they love. Her own healthy journey includes healing from years of chronic and debilitating back pain, fatigue and anxiety. Agnes found a fascination with Neuroscience had developed a deep understanding of the physiological ramifications that stress can have on the mind, body and spirit. She supports others in regaining agency over their health and understanding their unique needs so that they may lead their version of a healthy life. Her mission is to help you restore your health by healing your mind, body and spirit and to start living and stop surviving.

My Story

When I was 16 years old, I was diagnosed with scoliosis. Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine that most often is diagnosed during youth. Scoliosis is demonstrated through a the spine that rotates or twists in addition to curving side to side. This causes the ribs or muscles on one side of the body to stick out farther than those on the other side. Depending on the severity of the curvature there are various methods of adjusting and working with the body to manage and if possible to correct scoliosis. In my case, because of my age and the severity of the curve, I was recommended for a spinal fusion surgery. Six months later, my spine was supported with two Harrington Rods that partially corrected the curvature of my spine.

As life progressed, I didn’t feel like my scoliosis impacted my life. I had kids, worked full time and enjoyed life. I wasn't experiencing much pain and figured the surgery corrected things. It wasn’t until I turned 30 that I started experiencing lower back pain. Several years later, the pain that I experienced once every few weeks turned into a daily recurrence.

After years of climbing the corporate ladder and running from work to home to participate in kids' extra-curricular activities, and few car accidents later, I got to the point that my body gave up on me. In addition to having the back pain, I was diagnosed with neuropathy arthritis and a herniated disc that was pinching on the lower lumbar nerve. All of this became too much for me to handle and I started to experience recurring anxiety and panic attacks at work.

The only solution offered to me for the pain was a constant supply of prescription anti-inflammatories that were supposed to help at some point in time and if that did not, I would be recommended for a revision surgery of my spinal fusion and extension of the fusion from neck to pelvis. I was told that following surgery like that- disability is the only option.

At this point, the pain was so severe that I was not able to sit, participate in daily living or enjoy family time. I was in so much pain that a simple walk from one room to next was proving to be an exercise that took all my strength away. I wasn't even able to hold my daughter who was a toddler at the time unless I was lying down. The pain and fatigue were never ending and the prescription were offering no relief. Intuitively, I knew there had to be a better way. I dove into all the information and research that I could find about neuropathy, pinched nerve, arthritis, and scoliosis. This was the beginning of a multi-year process to heal my body.

I started by taking a holistic approach and addressing diet and inflammation in the body. I was actually starting to see progress and was feeling better, but two car accidents in a span of a year and half threatened all of that progress and even brought some of the pain back.

What I began to realize was that I wasn’t going to heal my body with diet and treatments alone. I instead worked on changing my mindset and supporting my body’s healing capacity. I began to take responsibility for my own health and started to BELIEVE in my ability to heal.

I no longer experience pain, fatigue, or anxiety. My days are spent with my kids, playing, traveling, and enjoying life- I have abundant energy to do the things I love!

My own health journey inspired me to become an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Pain Reprocessing Therapy Coach, and Buteyko Restorative Breathing Coach. I am living at my best daily and I want to empower busy moms with scoliosis and arthritis to break free from chronic pain, fatigue and anxiety so they can keep up with their kids, travel and have energy to do what they love.

If you are struggling with chronic pain that is impacting your daily activities and your life, and you want to find ways to reduce the number of pills you are taking, click the button below to get my BREAK FREE FROM PAIN Starter kit and let’s chat! I know you can do this- you can live A PAIN FREE JOYFUL LIFE 🤍

Break Free From Pain

Starter Kit Includes

  • Chronic Pain Impact Quiz

How much does chronic pain impact your daily life? Take the quiz to find out!

  • 8 Tips To "Pain Free You"

Discover my top tips for lowering pain and increasing your energy!

  • 7 Day Healthy Habit Tracker

A simple yet effective tool for tracking the implementation of your new healthy habits!


Interview on Back in Control with Dr. David Hanscom - Part 1

Interview on Back in Control with Dr. David Hanscom- Part 2

Have a question?

If you're ready to get out of chronic pain, fatigue and anxiety, so that you can get back to enjoying your daily activities, and your life, click the link below to book your complimentary consultation with me.